How to synchronize Calendars

Important Note: Keep in mind that the most popular channels’  calendars are NOT synced in real time, so individual reservations made on your website won’t sync immediately with your external channels. Since the 1.3.4 version Eagle Booking supports calendar syncing using the iCalendar (iCal) standard, which is compatible with popular […]

How to setup Razorpay

To set up Razorpay payment gateway please follow the below steps: Step 1.  Create a merchant account or Login into your Razorpay account. Step 2. Navigate: Settings → API Keys → Generate API Key Step 3. Copy your Key Id and your Key Secret Step 4. Navigate: Eagle Booking → Settings → Payment Settings → Razorpay Step 5  Set your Secret […]


Please Note: The branch selector branches=”true” currently is available only for the Vertical Search Form

Add New Branch

Adding New Branch To add a new hotel branch please navigate Eagle Booking → Branches  Assigning Room to the Branch To assign a room to a branch please navigate  Eagle Booking → Rooms → Add/Edit your room and set the hotel branch.

How to setup Paystack

To set up Paystack please follow the below steps: Step 1.  Create a merchant account or Login to your Paystack account. Step 2. Navigate: Profile > API Keys & Webhooks Step 3. Copy your Secret Key and your Public Key Step 4. Navigate: Eagle Booking > Settings > Payment Settings > Paystack Step 5  Set your […]

How to change some texts/words?

If you would like to change some texts from English to English (translating to another language is described here) you can do it by using the SayWhat? plugin that allows you to alter strings on your site without editing the core code. Step 1. Install & activate the  SayWhat?  plugin. Step 2. Navigate Tools → Text […]

Server Requirements

To run Eagle Booking we recommend your host supports: PHP version 7.0 or greater MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater memory_limit 128M post_max_size 32M upload_max_filesize 32M Please note: Some payment gateways like Stripe requires an SSL Certificate to be installed on your server. Ask for […]

How to setup PayU (India)

To set up PayU please follow the below steps: Step 1.  Create a merchant account or Login to your PayU account. Step 2. Navigate: Payment Gateway > Key Salt Details Step 3. Copy your Merchant Key and your Merchant Salt Step 4. Navigate: Eagle Booking > Settings > Payment Settings > PayU Step 5.  Set your […]


Step 1. Navigate Eagle Booking → Settings → Booking System → Built-in Step 2. Setup the booking pages. E.g. Search Page => Search Please note: If these pages do not exist then you have to create them including the respective shortcode. [eb_search] – Search Page Shortcode

How to Override Templates

Please Note: This is a Developer level doc, proceed only if you are familiar with code/templates and resolving potential conflicts. Eagle Booking supports template overriding from a theme. That means you can change the appearance of the plugin-specific designs. The overrideable files are located in the templates folder. Here is a hierarchy […]


Eagle Booking plugin is translation ready. Make sure that your WordPress is already in your language. If not, go to: Dashboard → Settings → General → Site Language and change the Site language. Using WPML (Recommended) Step 1. Install & activate the WPML plugin. Step 2. Navigate WPML → String Translation Step 3. Translate the Eagle Booking plugin in your […]

2Checkout Setup

To set up 2Checkout as a payment method please log in to your 2Checkout account and navigate to Integrations → Webhooks & API  Step 1. Copy your Merchant Code Step 2.  Copy your Secret Word Step 3.  Navigate Eagle Booking → Settings → Payment Settings → 2checkout → Set your Merchant Code […]

Stripe Setup

To setup Stripe as payment method please login to your Stripe account and navigate to Developers  API Keys Step 1. Copy your Publishable key Step 2. Copy your Secret key Step 3. Navigate Eagle Booking → Settings → Payment Settings → Stripe Step 4. Set and Publishable key and Secret key Please Note: Stripe payment method will work […]

PayPal Setup

To setup PayPal as payment method, please login to your business PayPal account and: Step 1.  Go to your Account Settings. Step 2.  Click Website payments on the left. Step 3. Click Update next to “Website preferences.” Step 4. Select “On” for “Auto Return for website payments.” Step 5 . In the “Return URL” field, enter […]